Monday, April 16, 2012


Artist - Dave Granlund

I wanted to write a bit on the whole Ann Romney stay at home mom thing but I just don't know where to start.  The comment that she had never worked a day in her life clearly was not meant as a jab at stay at home moms but at the Romney's ridiculous amount of wealth.  Hilary Rosen shouldn't have said it, however, because it could be taken so wrong and Democrats were good to jump on her for it.

The strangest thing about the whole story is Romney's position it the debate.  Clearly, he supports his wife and is now all gung-ho about stay at home moms.  But what if Ann was poor?  Earlier, he said that mothers who need financial help have to go to work to receive benefits.  I don't know what happened in these few months to change his whole outlook on motherhood and how they raise their children... oh, yes, it has become politically expedient to do so...

It's going to be a long road to November.

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