John Raese, the Republican candidate
for Senate in West Virginia needs a history lesson. At a recent
campaign event he was talking about a recent smoking ban in
Monongalia County and he said this:
"But in Monongalia County now, I
have to put a huge sticker on my buildings to say this is a
smoke-free environment. This is brought to you by the government of
Monongalia County. Okay?" he said. "Remember Hitler used to
put Star of David on everybody’s lapel, remember that? Same thing."
No, it isn't the same thing, John. The
stickers you are talking about indicate that a person can enter the
establishment without worrying about inhaling any cancer causing
second hand smoke. The stars of David that the Nazis made the Jews
wear indicated that they were Jews. Then these Jews were rounded up
and put in ghettos, and then the ghettos were liquidated and these
star of David wearing Jews were sent to different concentration camps
where they were put to work and more than six million died.
It is not the same thing.
I would like to see the Jewish lobby be
up in arms about this idiocy but I would actually be surprised if
they did.
This is not the first time he has run
for the Senate. He ran in 2010 and lost. The Huffington Post put
together a series of some of his most ridiculous positions here.
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