Thursday, April 5, 2012

Olbermann Sues Current TV

Keith Olbermann filed suit against Current TV today claiming that he is owed $70 million.

 I have never been a fan of Olbermann even though we may hold similar beliefs. Surely, we are at least against the same people. I have always found him boisterous and a bit overzealous so I never watched him when he was on MSNBC. When he was canned by MSNBC, it didn't affect me much as I could just as easily not watch him on Current TV. Now that he has been canned by Current TV and the storm brewing because of it, one would have to be crazy to hire him.

It seems like he is very hard to work with and may even be somewhat of a prima donna. I'm sure he is not the only one like this in cable news, however. The spotlight that accompanies a top spot on a network lineup certainly draws a certain type of person.

I know this is far from over.

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